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July 11th, 2020, 09:51 AM
Posts: 1,146
When ranger tries to send email on our terminal server through outlook, outlook keeps asking for us to allow it. You must say yes every 10 minutes.

We don't have this issue with other software on the server that uses POP, but ranger access outlook directly which causes this issue.

The outlook security settings that disable the "Programmatic Access" are disabled on a server. Everyone is complaining.

Can ranger be made to be compatible with this security feature?

We didnt have this issue on our old server which was 2012R2, but it seems to be an office 2019 thing.
July 13th, 2020, 06:02 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this.

In case setting the 'Programmatic Access' to 'Never warn' does not help, then you should either update anti-virus on the terminal server or fix the Windows level problem regarding why it thinks that the anti-virus isn't configured correctly.

You can read about this warning in this Microsoft's support article.
July 13th, 2020, 09:11 AM
Posts: 1,146
Microsoft AV detection is disabled on terminal servers. Doesn't matter which AV is installed, outlook doesn't detect it.

What is the windows level problem we should fix?
July 13th, 2020, 09:42 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
That's on Outlook domain. I see that we also discussed a similar case with you a few months back (here), maybe the same would apply in this case, besides, maybe try to Google it, many answers there.

Hope this helps.
July 14th, 2020, 09:40 AM
Posts: 1,146
If we did not use outlook, how does commit send emails?
July 14th, 2020, 11:24 AM
Posts: 1,146
We did discuss this very thing on that thread. The screenshot added by support was probably from a desktop. Those options are not available on a terminal server (maybe any server).

Microsoft says "The generally accepted way to avoid problems is to use an updated version of the application that avoids setting off the security prompt"

With 4 other programs on the server that send mail, ranger is the only one that causes this popup.

How is this not a ranger issue?
July 14th, 2020, 11:51 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Re no-Outlook - The RangerMSP client app will try to use the default email client installed on your PC, however, when it works - you don't have all the benefits you now do with Outlook, like using Email Templates or having sent email messages automatically filed in the app. So, Outlook is recommended.

And, if you're using the Web interface, you can compose simple email replies, nothing fancy, that will be sent via the CRM Server Windows service that runs on your server.

Re server - it's commonly used in similar configuration w/o any issues, or issues that cannot be resolved. Some apps working does not mean some of the Outlook security settings are valid and they need to get reviewed/changed. Unfortunately we do not have the knowledge of how to troubleshoot Outlook on all configurations, we have shared the details we're aware of or helped others. I hope it'll get resolved soon. Please keep us posted.

Hope this helps.
July 16th, 2020, 03:16 PM
Posts: 1,146
If anyone has been following this, the main issue is how Ranger accesses outlook 2019 using a depreciated method.

There are updated admx files that "seem" to addresses the outlook programmatic issue for server 2019.

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