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July 3rd, 2020, 10:38 AM
Posts: 1,146
I saw this, but it doesn't address our issue: http://www.rangermsp.com/forum/showt...+ticket+alerts

A client with 30 employees. Her email is listed on the account in the general tab.

When we make a ticket for an account contact, only the contact gets the new ticket notification.

When a ticket is created by API or Continuum, her email received the ticket notification. She does not want to receive theses.

She does want to receive tickets we create for her team.

If we say no alerts as referenced in the above thread, nobody gets anything. What we really need is no alerts for API tickets for EVERY account.

How do we do this?
July 3rd, 2020, 12:40 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Please visit the Tools > Options > Alerts to Customers tab.
There - at the top/right corner you'll find a button named 'RMM Settings...' - click it to configure whether or not email alerts should be sent to customers as a result of the creation of new Tickets from your RMM system.
Then - RESTART 'CRM Server' Windows service on your server.

Hope this helps.
July 3rd, 2020, 03:59 PM
Posts: 1,146
Those notifications are all off.

The issue isnt necessarily the RMM alerts but the helpdesk chat tickets that get created.
July 6th, 2020, 06:13 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Customer email alerts are sent to all External Recipients listed under the Ticket Recipients tab.
So if there are any email recipients there, and if the Alerts Server for Customers is turned on, and the specific customer account isn't excluded from receiving alerts - alerts will get sent, as they should.

Also note that when a person's email address is marked as a 'Default Recipient' (the checkbox near the email address), it means that her email address will be added as a recipient for ALL Tickets created in application - via email or manually by employees. As a result the email notifications and all email correspondence will be sent to this email address as well.

In case the checkbox "Default Recipient' is not set for the Account/Contact email address, the email address will be added to the Ticket Recipients, only if the Ticket is created for this particular Contact - in your case - for the Account and the Contact should remain empty.

It is also possible to remove the email address from the Ticket External Recipient, though it is in doubt whether users will actually remember to do this.

So long story short - email alerts to customers are sent to all ticket receipts. Such alerts are not sent if the alerts server for customers features is turned off or their account is excluded from receiving alert notifications.

Hope this helps!
July 7th, 2020, 06:02 AM
Posts: 1,146
Very little of that helps. Maybe I can say this in a way that allows you to help me.

The email address in the "email" field of the general tab is the account owner. Default recipient is not checked.

There are 3 ways to make a ticket that i am aware of:

1) manually creating a ticket inside ranger. When this happens the account owner is selected by default. You can choose another "contact" if there are other contacts on the account. This generates the "new ticket" confirmation email as it should.

2) RMM alerts / API tickets. Theses do not generate new ticket email confirmations to the account owner.

3) When an account owners staff starts a support chat with continuum, the integration creates a ticket but it does not create the ticket for the person who did the chat, it creates a ticket for the account owner using the email in the general tab. This generates a new ticket confirmation to the account owner.

When the owner has 20 employees, that is several chat support requests per week which is also several new ticket confirmations per week.

She wants these to stop.

If we create a ticket using option 1, my staff is trained to select the end user for the ticket. If the end user is not a contact in ranger add them BEFORE you save the ticket. They do this correctly 95% of the time.

How do we stop the account owner from getting notified for ticket option #3?

If we remove their email address from the general tab and only list the account owner as a contact, then ranges throw errors in various locations about not having a default recipient.

We should not have to resort to putting a dummy email address in the general field that goes to a black hole. If you put in a dummy address that will produce an NDR, then ranger creates 10 more tickets from the NDR bounces.

What is missing in ranger is a way to set email options for ticket type #3 like the options that exist for ticket type #2.
July 7th, 2020, 08:11 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for your reply and for providing detailed information.

Regarding #3 - if the Ticket is downloaded from Continuum using the RangerMSP-Continuum integration - then email alerts about such Tickets will NOT be sent to the customer, subject to such alerts getting disabled under the Tools > Options > Alerts to Customers > RMM Settings:

In case these alerts are enabled, please disable them and restart the 'CRM RMM Server' to apply the change.

Hope this helps.
July 8th, 2020, 07:59 AM
Posts: 1,146
All continuum alerts under Alerts to customers > RMM are off.

Yet she still gets notified about chat tickets. When I look at the email recipient on the ticket, her email is right there.

If i could add pictures like you can (why cant we??) I could show you.
July 8th, 2020, 08:53 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thanks. Well, if she's listed as a ticket recipient she sure will get "chat" email notifications, but won't get automated email alerts for new tickets created from RMM.

Please visit the Account details and verify that her email address is not marked with a checkbox that means - automatically add as recipient.

Hope this helps.
July 8th, 2020, 09:45 AM
Posts: 1,146
She is not marked as the default recipient on the account (check box). She is listed as the recipient on the ticket when it is created.

That is why we're asking how to fix this for her.
July 8th, 2020, 09:56 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Is she the Contact of the Ticket? If so - she'll definitely get added as a recipient even without being a default recipients (such people are "secondary" to the ticket and indeed without the checkbox checked - won't automatically be recipients). The Contact of the Ticket is automatically added as a recipient for sure, however, you can manually remove it from the Recipient tab.

Hope this helps.
July 8th, 2020, 12:10 PM
Posts: 1,146
Does this mean Ms. Account owner is being added to the chat ticket by Continuum instead of the end user?

This in turn adds her to the ranger ticket?
July 9th, 2020, 06:15 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
The Ticket Contact field is not a part of the details received from Continuum.
Therefore, the Ticket is linked only to the main Account and the owner (i.e. main Account contact) email address is added as a Ticket recipient.

So, in case her email address is configured to be the primary email address of the Account, unlike her being a secondary contact, her email will be added as a Ticket recipient automatically, and further communication over email will be emailed to that address.

Hope this helps.
July 9th, 2020, 01:16 PM
Posts: 1,146
How do we fix this issue?

If we remove her address from ranger, it complains that there isn't a default address.

If we put in a fake email it creates a bounce back email loop.

Seems to me ranger should ask what to do with tickets created via chat.
July 10th, 2020, 06:05 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thanks for your feedback. Mmm, yep, it's challenging to have a setting that will completely cover all cases and channels where tickets can be opened by. Feedback noted. Thanks!
July 10th, 2020, 06:53 AM
Posts: 1,146
Ranger asks what to do with RMM tickets :) Chat should get the same love!

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