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June 20th, 2012, 09:06 AM
Posts: 37
We run weekly reports on our techs to find out how many hours they put in for the week. I use the Billable Hours Chart by Employee report to do this. Unfortunately this report does not pull in quantity. The reason I mention it is because we have some items that the techs bill time against, but because of the nature of the billing, these items are coded as quantity, not hours. So if a tech spends 1 hour on this project which we have coded as quantity, they enter quantity of 1 which in our world, equates to 1 hour. How can I generate a report that will show me both total of hours AND quantity that they put in during a specified time range? Hope this makes sense.
June 20th, 2012, 12:39 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this. This chart report is one of the only reports that cannot be customized, however, I believe that the Employee Charges Summary report can help. Customize it using the report designer and add a summary field for 'Units quantity', for this, simply copy the 'Hours summary' field and then change its data from from Hours to to Quantity/Units so it will summarize all units, that in this case represent hours as well.

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