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January 3rd, 2012, 03:37 PM
Posts: 1,146
Long time ago we used Norton ghost. We could crate a boot-able image and then deploy it back to a computer. 1 disc, one operation, you just hit go, and it went. Sounds like something simple, but I can't seem to find anything else that does this.

I want to create a system restore cd that boots from the cd, does the restore, and then reboots the computer fully restored and working.

I don't want a boot-able program on one disc, take that out, browse another disc for the data, put the boot-able disc back in, start, swap discs again, etc.

I'm am not looking for a cheap open source program with limited support and what it doesn't have in price, it makes up for by costing you time. I want an easy solution to create easy to use restore cd's.

I am looking to create the restore cd's like the ones that used to come with the old HP computers. After restore you had all the programs, all the drivers, everything.

Any recommendations?

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