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Getting the best out of CommitCRM

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    Getting the best out of CommitCRM

    Hi guys, I have had and used CommitCRM for the last 5 or so. To be honest I have not really tweaked or added/played with any of the functions. Simply I have not had time to read the vast details available.

    What are the best tweaks / Scripts / Forms / Online or any other tweaks you have added to CommitCRM? Are you willing to share them with us so we can use them within our system?

    The best I have come up with is; Designing a 23x23 Asset label that i print and stick to each computer. I have also added an online option to the ticket system were as I send a SMS text message to the customer when I either try and call them and get no answer or when i have emailed them.

    Also this past week or two, I am converting some of the reports to ipad so customers can sign when I drop off a computer etc.

    Any other ideas would be appreciated.

    Re: Getting the best out of Commit

    Pops I have heavily customised my system, I have added extra tabs to the tickets window allowing all commonly used feilds to exist on one tab, I have added extra tabs under the client account to store all details to do with my clients like admin passwords, remote IP address etc.. I have addeded feilds to store data like how much I charge them for helpdesk access and how many agreed hours a month they use. I to use iPads to capture signatures from clients on site, I have 50 technicians doing this every day, I find the free iPad app sign now is very good for this, when they capture the signature they send the signed doc back to our helpdesk email address with the ticket number in the subject and it is permanently attached to the ticket for all time. I also use interlink, mainly for the dashboard, SLA rules and customer satisfaction survey. My latest endeavour is linking Quilkview reporting into the CommitCRM database which is coming along nicely I am starting to get some awesome reporting out of this


      Re: Getting the best out of Commit

      Sounds great! Want to share some ideas? I like the sending the signed doc back option, first.. Do you just create a rule within the settings?? what is the text>?

      Where do you find the time :-)


        Re: Getting the best out of Commit

        Do you use the personal edition of quilkview reporting?


          Re: Getting the best out of Commit

          Pops with the email I just use the ticket threading feature so all you need to do is send an email with your CommitCRM email address in the bcc feild and the ticket number in the subject.
          When CommitCRM receives the email it will update and attach to the ticket.

          Lpopejoy I am using the full version of Quilkview however I will admit I'm cheating a little on this one as I have a developer working on it as it is plugged into my finance package ICE, commitcrm, my shortel contact Center phone system and the interlink database.
          Currently I have developed staff productivity reports that shows time billed each day by staff, which I can drill down all the way to each ticket and view details straight from Quilkview.
          The aim is to be able to drill even further to show all call times associated to each ticket and if the customer was satisfied at the end of it all through the interlink client satisfaction survey or my customer survey I have in the ShoreTel phone system


            Re: Getting the best out of Commit

            BDTECHRob which options are these settings?


              Re: Getting the best out of Commit

              It's the default behaviour of the email connector, just create a ticket and send an email to your mail connector with the ticket number in the subject line


                Re: Getting the best out of Commit

                i did, but it didnt work.


                  Re: Getting the best out of Commit

                  Your system must be miss configured I suggest you go back through the tutorial on configuring the email connector


                    Re: Getting the best out of Commit

                    That brings me to a question for CommitCRM support, is it possible to html link to a ticket from another application? What I want to do is in my reporting dashboard add links from my report that will open the related tickets I the CommitCRM Web interface.


                      Re: Getting the best out of Commit

                      I'm so glad someone besides me is asking for this! :) no, it isn't possible - unless you want to link to the web interface. I've been wanting a protocol handler registered by CommitCRM that allows you to open the CommitCRM application (fat client) on the local workstation to various screens. Something like: commitcrm://ticketrecid=x

                      Anyway so far, other things have taken priority - but I'm glad there's more than just me looking for it. :)


                        Re: Getting the best out of Commit

                        I'm happy to open the Web interface, is it as simple as adding the ticket number to the url string?


                          Re: Getting the best out of Commit

                          URL string to do that is: https://your URL and port:4500/?cmtAction=View&cmtRecId=[insert record recid here]


                            Re: Getting the best out of Commit

                            Great thanks for that


                              Re: Getting the best out of Commit

                              How you mean miss configured? Customers emails to support@ work ok, Do i need to turn on auto detection?

