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Invoicing unbilled charges

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    Invoicing unbilled charges

    We use the Quickbooks interface and push our charges to it for billing. We have noticed that if charges are $0 then the charge wont get pushed out to the invoice for Quickbooks immediately. Once a charge with a positive dollar amount is added, all zero dollar charges are added to the invoice.

    We would like all charges to get pushed out when we use the Create Quickbooks Invoice button immediately and not have to wait for a billable charge to come through. How do we do that?

    Re: Invoicing unbilled charges

    In case you refer to included Not-Billable Charges in the invoices that you push to QuickBooks then you can either do that manually on a per invoice (e.g. select to include these) - or - you can select to automatically include them - for this please visit Tools > Options > QuickBooks tab and in the top most radio group select to always display and include Not-Billable Charges.

    Hope this helps.


      Re: Invoicing unbilled charges

      We already have that setting checked. Let me try to explain it better. Say I create a ticket and a non-billable charge and close it. When we go to "Create QuickBooks Invoice" and click on Account, those charges don't show up. If I then send a billable charge to that account and redo the invoice process, both the charged and uncharged items show up. The charges do show up, but only after a billable charge hits the accounts. Hopefully that's a little clearer on the process.


        Re: Invoicing unbilled charges

        Yes, that's clearer, you want to be able to see Not-Billable charges as if they are pending invoicing (At zero amount) even in cases where there is no other Billable charge, e.g. you are OK with even invoicing with a total of zero. If so, feedback noted, thanks.


          Re: Invoicing unbilled charges

          Yes, is it currently possible to do so or am I asking for a new feature? If it can't be automated, can we manually force them?

          The problem is clients on Managed Services may not have invoices for long periods of time and then the non-billable charges accumulate. I would like the client to know we are actively working on their systems and not have them accumulate.



            Re: Invoicing unbilled charges

            Interesting. Usually people try to avoid generating accounting-level-invoices, e.g. with QuickBooks, that total to zero, it's kinda causing an account 'mess'.
            Anyhow, without any billable charges it it isn't available, you can include a one Billable charge with the amount of $1 (and always unselect it form invoicing) in order to force the system to show all Not-Billable Charges.

            Another way for you to consider is by using reports. You can very easily generate different charge level reports that will list all activity done under a specific Account (or a specific Contract, like their Managed Services contract) and send that to your customers. You can even customize it to your specific requirements. This also "saves" you from including many zero based invoices in QuickBooks.

            Hope this helps.


              Re: Invoicing unbilled charges

              One more suggestion: although Account with Not-Billable Charges only is not listed in the QuickBooks wizard among with other Accounts with pending invoicing Billable Charges, you still can generate invoice with zero total right from the Account details (or Ticket details) using QuickBooks button on the toolbar and include only Not-Billable Charges.

              Hope this helps.

