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April 11th, 2008, 09:46 AM
Posts: 1
I am trying to get charges to go on a ticket that I send with the tech when he goes on-site for a job. For example: Our client has purchased a part and then we have to go to the client's to install the part. I have customized a Ticket, but It won't let me pull any information from Charges that are associated with the ticket. Because we need to have the part the client ordered + tax on the ticket and be able to have the tech add his labor to this ticket (Report) and give to the client. Why can't we pull any information to a Ticket Report?
April 11th, 2008, 10:09 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
You should try using the Technician Service Form including Charges reports. These reports specifically contain the Ticket details, and also the list of Charges already logged for this Ticket. You can also copy one of these reports and customize it if needed.

These reports are available from the Report window > Charges section.
You can also reach it from the Ticket window, when clicking the Printer icon on the tool bar - if you click the arrow next to the printer, it will display the list of available Ticket forms, including the service form with Charges.

I hope this helps.


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