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October 31st, 2013, 03:59 PM
Posts: 524
Was having an email conversation with suppot about reports (we are not overly impressed with the canned/included ones) and they suggested that we cusomize our own. The actual words were "we've seen a bunch of absolutely amazing customized templates!", so...

Have folks had success in creating reports? Any standouts that you might like to share?

Commit, is there a place where we can post repots for others to use?

October 31st, 2013, 07:03 PM
Posts: 942
"Absolutely amazing" May be a stretch...

See here
November 3rd, 2013, 04:46 PM
Posts: 242
indeed :)

I gave up on customising reports as too many of the reports i needed required fields from across the various areas of data (i.e. Accounts, Tickets, Charges), and not all fields are available. I just couldn't choose the options I needed. I did find some of the community custom reports for label printers useful though.
November 4th, 2013, 09:39 PM
Posts: 524
OK -- to get the ball rolling, I have started working with the report designer and have posted in the reports area, two reports that we are starting to use. I'll post more when I can get to them.

All right folks, let's see what you got... would love to see better reports on employee performance metrics (Commit, why can't we copy and design the "Monthly Hours Summary by Employee" report -- this is a good one but needs to be tweaked!).


November 5th, 2013, 06:03 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thanks for your sharing your customized reports with the community (click for the Sharing Center).

The report that you specified cannot be customized because it is one of a few hard-coded reports we offer (unlike most that were built with the Report Designer). One of the reasons for this is the more advanced calculations options it includes.
November 5th, 2013, 09:16 AM
Posts: 524

Realize that it is those "advanced calculation options" and cross data mining (as natrat points out) that everyone keeps asking for. I've seen dozens and dozens of requests on this (ranging from simple "how to" for reports to searching for information and getting useful dashboards). This is the root of it all -- we put data into the system but can't get it out... that's a problem.

November 5th, 2013, 10:17 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Calculations are supported in the report designer. The calculations in this report together with its related back end query prevents us form using the generic designer for the task.

Using our APIs you can use any advanced tool that is dedicated to building report and openly design anything you want. For example you can use Microsoft Access for the task or Crystal Reports, to name a few.

While enhancements in this area are coming, we plan to invest in this direction up to a certain level and offer you to use dedicated industry leading solutions, to implement the rest.

Hopefully this makes sense.

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