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November 20th, 2013, 11:48 AM
Posts: 1
I have the following problem:

-when i goto the DOCS tab of an account, and click NEW Enter a subject and click OK, i get an error from Microsoft Word that says:

"We're sorry, but Word has run into an error tha tis preventing it from working correctly, Word will need to be closed as a result.

Would you like us to repair now?"

The options are: Repair Now, Help, Close.

-I've tried repair,
-I uninstalled/reinstalled MS Office 2013 Professional
-I uninstalled MS OFfice 2013 Pro, ran the office cleanup tool, then reinstalled

The problem is specific to my pc and its driving me crazy. If i drag and drop the file, the same thing happens.

HOWEVER, it only happens on certain accounts, in other accounts it works fine.

I can't make heads or tails of it.

I really don't feel like reloading my PC to fix this stupid issue. None of my other guys are experiencing this.

November 20th, 2013, 12:24 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting this. We're not familiar with this problem and as you know RangerMSP is not really installed on your PC (all you have is a desktop shortcut to a single file on the server). However, the fact that it only happens for specific Accounts may help or at least it is a lead...

Each Account has its folder where their files are stored. I suspect that the problem is somehow related to insufficient privileges to some of the folders or files.

So, please try the following:

1. Locate such an Account in the list and visits its 'Details' tab.
2. Review the value in the 'Docs Dir.' field - this refers to the folder where the files are stored.
3. Verify X10 that you have full access rights and all privileges to all files in this folder and that you have full access to it.
(I'm sure that this supposed to be the case but yet there's this error...)
4. Once permissions are reviewed and, even better, applied again, give it another try.

Hope this helps.

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