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September 8th, 2008, 08:02 AM
Posts: 33
hi all, like most of you i perform very simliar jobs for a lot of different customers.

therefore i find myself constantly typing the same text in for different jobs.

i do use a lot of text files to reduce the typing but i believe this could be a feature inside CommitCRM.

for example

while editing a ticket to enter text into the description tab, there would be a drop down button somewhere in CommitCRM that lists user defined content

so for a standard job i could hit the drop down and choose a few things for the list to complete the content without hardly typing

this would help with time but also consistency and would be a worthy addition

September 8th, 2008, 10:17 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Steve, cool idea for a very helpful feature. We actually do have this (a similar solution) in our development queue, together with other helpful features which can make the work flow even smoother. We keep thinking of ways to make things easier, and your ideas are very helpful. Thanks.

September 8th, 2008, 11:39 AM
Posts: 43
fantastic idea, we do different work, however a majority of times we do the same thing. eg setup adsl + wireless router. If we could setup templates with wizards, step by step.

a. select the customer
b. select the template
c. add additional details (if required, not compulsory)

Done. :)~ this feature will definitely make me lazy haha
September 8th, 2008, 12:47 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi asmbit,

I think you may be able to enhance this process already for your purposes.

RangerMSP allows you to copy tickets/tasks so you can easily copy and create a new ticket or task which describes the work to be done, and just modify the customer. To copy, right-click the ticket or task and select the Copy option. This way you can keep "template" tickets/tasks (you can even link them to a dummy "template" account), and always copy the jobs from these templates.

Another nice text-automation option is when you create the charges. For each charge, you should select an item. You can set the item with predefined text, which will be automatically copied to the charge' description when you select the item for the charge. This way you can define the detailed job description per item, and you will easily have detailed charges, which will then be listed in the charges report or invoice. To define the text for the item, go to the item window, and fill in the item's description.



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