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February 24th, 2009, 02:11 AM
Posts: 22
I am running CommitCRM on SBS 2003. The regional settings on the server are set to Greek. I just setup the alerts server. When I get an alert through Outlook, everything is fine with the Greek language. When I get an alert through my Blackberry, the Greek shows up as garbage. Any other email I get on my blackberry, even through my website forms, the Greek is fine. Anyone have any ideas?
February 24th, 2009, 06:43 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi chumbert,

I'm not sure why this happens, however, out-of-the-box RangerMSP supports English. I suggest that you try changing the character set which is being used in the e-mails which are sent out of the alerts server.

To do this, you should edit the file: ...\Server\CmtEmailDelivery.ini
and add the following token at the end of the file:


Then restart the service on your server service and try creating new alerts. While this is not something that RangerMSP supports, it may or may not fix the configuration issue that you have. Please report back and let us know whether you managed to make it work.

February 25th, 2009, 01:23 AM
Posts: 22
Works perfect!! Thanks!!

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