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February 11th, 2010, 06:27 PM
Posts: 942
I'm trying to get a report that shows the total amount of the "Contract Price charges" for each active contract.

Any ideas...

Yeah, I know I can spend a day and get this to work with ODBC / Access / Excel...


February 12th, 2010, 07:21 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Luke,

Thanks for posting this question.
Usually when people use Contract-Price Charges, they use items in the contract price charges that were specially created to be used as contract price charges.

If this is the way you work, then you can set an Item category for these items that represents them as Contract Price Charges (CPC charges). Once you add these items to this item category, you'll be able to generate account charge lists which are filtered to only show charges from the CPC items Category.

Let us know if this helps.

Reno Breen
February 12th, 2010, 07:44 AM
Posts: 942
Perfect, I did a Account Charges Summary (Under Charges report) and selected "Only included Contract Price Charges" and then ran that report for one month. Now I have the total value of my monthly recurring contracts.

What I wish I could do is create a graph for stuff like this... and other metrics (tickets completed, etc) so that I could see a visual representation of sales, # of tickets, etc...

anyway, I know that's outside of Commits capabilities at this time, but it would be sweet for a later version!

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