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February 10th, 2011, 11:28 AM
Posts: 104
I'd like to run a report that lists the total charges applied to each account over a selected time period, sorted by account. Specifically, I'm trying to identify those accounts with the highest charges over a set period of time. Will any of the existing Charge or Account reports do that? If not, is there any way to easily create this report? It seems like one that any business owner would want to be able to run.
February 10th, 2011, 11:44 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Under the Reports Charges category you'll find the "Accounts Charges Summary" report. For each Account it list totals by Labor, Parts, Expenses and the total of all three. The report is sorted alphabetically, not by total amount, however, it's easy to see which customers are charge with high/low amounts. I'll log the request to sort it by total. BTW - You can filter this report to to any time period you like.

Hope this helps,
February 10th, 2011, 11:49 AM
Posts: 104
Thank you for your prompt reply. Since we have thousands of accounts, being able to sort by total is very important in allowing that report to provide the information in the format needed. Thank you for submitting it as a feature request; I look forward to having that capability.

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