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August 3rd, 2009, 07:59 PM
Posts: 9
Our engineers are using the appointments on their Outlook calendars to take notes about what they do on a service call and then sync the calendar appointment back to CommitCRM in order to add charges to the tickets. The calendar sync works fine but it appears that CommitCRM is truncating the notes to about 120 characters per calendar appointment. Is there a way to remove this limitation or increase the truncate size?
August 4th, 2009, 06:45 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi midnightblue,

Actually there shouldn't be any truncation when syncing and I've never encountered such an issue in the past. I'm not sure what may be causing this behavior. It sounds like a maybe local settings issues or something similar.

I suggest that you contact us directly with some more details - screenshot of the appointment in Outlook, and how it comes out in RangerMSP. Maybe also the log files can help - you can send them to us via the Help > Technical Support menu in the application. I hope this will help us understand what is happening with the sync in this case.



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