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December 6th, 2009, 07:31 AM
Posts: 4

Sometimes things happends and a scheduled ticket could not be done at the time planned. If we need to move the ticket back to the dispatcher, it's not very easy today (as far as I know....) The only way I know of is to Delete the appoinment from the calendar and go to the tickets view, find the ticket, open it and mark the Show in dispatcher again.

Several things could go wrong here and we the ticket could actually be forgotten. In the Tickets i still says Scheduled as Status, thereby it seems just fine. In the Dispatcher it's not showing.

The ideal resolution should be a drag and drop feature that could drag the ticket from the calandar down to the dispatcher, and changing the Status back to New (or another status). If this is not possible, could there be a popup when deleting an appointment where you can change Status and Show in dispatcher

Maybe someone has another solutions?
December 7th, 2009, 06:38 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528

Thanks for posting this, and for the great feedback. I've forwarded your comments to our product management team, to be considered for future versions of RangerMSP.

For now we can suggest a few alternatives for re-dispatching your tickets in an easier fashion.

1) If the need arises to move an appointment to another time, or even another employee, then it is possible to drag the appointment to a different slot in the calendar, or even to another employee. Alternatively, you can double click the appointment in order to change any of its settings.

If you have deleted an appointment, or simply wish to dispatch another appointment for the same ticket, then you can use the Dispatch Shortcut, conveniently located on each ticket line in the ticket list (review screenshot). Using the dispatch shortcut is quite simple, just click the indicator column and you'll see a dispatch indicator right next to the ticket. Once this is done, you can continue dispatching the appointment from the dispatch screen.

Hope this helps.

Reno Breen

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