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January 6th, 2010, 06:27 AM
Billy Gareth
Posts: 6
Hi All,

We are trying to get a custom report that will show us the billable hours and the non-billable hours for an employee for a day separately on the one report. The Employee Charges Summary give the total hours for the day including NB if requested but we would like to see both billable and NB shown separately on the same report.

CommitCRM Support have suggested that I run a report for billable hours then a report for NB hours for each employee. This is really too cumbersome once we get over 3 employees.

Ideally I would get each of the techs showing on the one report with their hours broken down but a report per tech would suffice at the moment.

Something like:

Tech 1 Billable Non-Billable Total


Any suggestions?


December 2nd, 2011, 08:37 AM
Posts: 1
I would like this type of report as well. Seems to be fairly straight forward as the billable hours and non-billable hours are already tracked.

Any ideas why the summary hours report is not able to be copied and modified to provide this insight?
December 2nd, 2011, 08:42 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
The information can be included and you can generate reports for Employees including both Billable and Not Billable hours. The sum of hours for the employee will be the total of both numbers and will not be displayed separately. The reasoning behind it is that Billable/Not-Billable flag has nothing to do directly with the Employee - the technician spent their time working - but rather it is related to the customer and whether the Charge is to be billed or covered. Anyway, I guess that there's a need for it after all and I will go ahead and add your vote.

In regards to the summary report - it is among the few reports that were developed outside of the built in report designer and thus cannot be copied and customized.

Hope this helps.
December 3rd, 2011, 02:25 PM
Posts: 942
Microsoft Access and ODBC?

Would be nice if the report editor allowed more advanced functionality... The fact that a report had to be developed outside of CommitCRM seems to indicate that it may be needed!

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