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March 7th, 2010, 02:48 PM
Posts: 13
Hi there,

After performing a restore, we are having problems with the height of rows when using the CommitCRM client.

All rows are too narrow. Is there a way to manually adjust the row height?


March 8th, 2010, 06:55 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi Brent,

Thanks for posting this.
This type of inconsistency is typical to restoring your RangerMSP backup archive into a RangerMSP system while mismatching the versions between the backup and the new environment.

In order to see which version your specific backup archive requires; we'll need to ask you to email us a copy of your [b]\RangerMSP\db\cmtver.cmt file to Support @ .

Once we can analyze the file; we can provide you with the necessary link to the correct RangerMSP version installer.


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