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January 18th, 2011, 06:47 PM
Posts: 1,146
After finally using the web interface for customers i have come to one conclusion. This is almost too tedious to even use.

The system works great. Looks close to what the web employees see, just limited to their accounts. History, charges, contracts, all the goodies are there.


To have to go in and setup Customer web users for each and every customer account? We're a small outfit and we only have like 250 accounts but this will take some serious man hours. Then we also have to generate passwords for them as well? This is very dissapointing to say the least.

But never fear, i'm not the complain without a solution type. To fix this would be pretty easy.

We need a link that says something like: "Auto setup web user" and what it uses the customers email and generate a random temporary password and email it to them. This email should also include the link to login. We can specify the link somewhere (then CommitCRM doesn't have to guess the login link)

It just requires a users email and a simple random password generator of some sort. Can be as simple as customer name + date + a few random numbers behind that.

if there is no customers email, then it lets us know it needs one to auto generate. If not, you can still do it manually.

Lastly we need some batch process to accomplish this. Then it doesn't have to be active by default for everyone. With a batch process we can do it in groups of who we want to have access.

Doing this manually is un-fun.
January 19th, 2011, 05:38 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Customer Web users should indeed be added manually to provide you with full control to which Customer users can log in (we know that in some cases there are customers a service provider don't want to allow Web access) and what they can/cannot see (i.e. the Customer Web User Privilege Groups feature). Anyway, we do agree that automating Customer Web user creation together with keeping control on the process may be useful. We'll definitely keep this on our list. Thank you for suggesting it.

November 21st, 2011, 09:30 AM
Posts: 1,146
Any traction on this? I agree that everyone shouldn't be automatically added to the web users list. I propose something simple like,

We add a web user to an account, we should only have to type in the username and email address. The email connector can send that user a generic password where they can change it if they want.


We add a web user to an account, we should only have to type in the username and email address. We should be able to quickly click and send whatever password we created to them through the email connector. Then we don't have to type it into another email for them. (saves a step)


Does the web interface have a password reset option? Clients can type in their email address, and the system send them a generic password so they can log in?

The web interface for customers could save us so much time if it worked more efficiently. Customers can login and see quotes, see ticket & charges, print their ticket with charges directly from the web and mail us payments. Then we don't have to resend and retype all the things that are already in the system.
November 21st, 2011, 11:57 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Suggestions noted. We definitely agree that we can save some clicks here and have it required a few less key clicks to send the Web user their user/password by email. Customer Web users can modify their passwords and in RangerMSP you can tell when was the last time the password was modified, however, an auto reset by customer is not there. You are the one controlling lost passwords.

December 27th, 2011, 10:01 AM
Posts: 201
A password reset routine would be most helpful, and, seemingly simple to accomplish.
Send a link to the email address on file, then link back to a web form to change the password. Just about every website you log into has this feature, and now customers have to keep track of a dozen or more websites. It's not uncommon to forget your password to one website, and technicians and staff are too busy the way it is to manual reset passwords.
December 27th, 2011, 10:57 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Got that. Thanks.
December 7th, 2016, 02:09 PM
Posts: 201
December 7, 2016....any updates on password reset feature?
December 8th, 2016, 06:05 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Currently we do not have any news on this. The request is clear and it may be useful. It hasn't been implemented yet simply because other items have been much more popular. Hope this helps.

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