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August 5th, 2011, 11:05 PM
Posts: 524
upgraded our systems tonight and messed around with it for a couple of hours. there are definitely some good improvements. guessing you are going to be very busy addressing everyone's questions and issues for a while but I wanted to mention two things that seemed somewhat glaring at the moment:

ticket merge: when the redundant ticket gets deleted and the sender responds to the "auto response" of the now deleted redundant ticket, CommitCRM doesn't know what to do with it (because the ticket number no longer exists) and it sends it to be manually processes... this is NOT good... if CommitCRM isn't going to remember the deleted ticket numbers and aggregate future communications from the client, into the new ticket then I might suggest at the very least, when the ticket gets deleted it should auto send an email to the client telling them that this ticket number was removed because it was a duplicate and that they should continue future communications using the master ticket response. this issue alone will stop us from using the new merge ticket feature...

email connector: I was very (very) disappointed to find that an email sent to the connector address that included additional recipients (in the to or cc fields) STILL do not automatically appended the additional email addresses to the tickets' External Recipients... this should happen at the very least, on the initial ticket request when CommitCRM creates the ticket. I can think of no reason why this is still not part of the process... why are we still required to manually go back into every ticket that has multiple recipients and copy/paste External Recipients?!?

OK -- not really a rant but these are the two things that we were really hoping would work 100% after the upgrade...

thanks --

August 6th, 2011, 08:30 AM
Posts: 41
Raymond - good feedback, we are going to be upgrading today. Just checking the forums for horror stories before we do but haven't seen any which is great!
August 7th, 2011, 06:32 PM
Posts: 115
The cc think really needs to be addressed. Almost every ticket that comes in has someone cc'ed to it who NEEDS to know what's happening.
August 14th, 2011, 04:23 PM
Posts: 42
I've privately messaged CommitCRM Support regarding the need to parse the TO and CC fields for additional contact matches as well. Hopefully this will be elevated to the finalized feature set of 5.7.

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