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August 7th, 2011, 10:41 PM
Posts: 43
Just wondering how do you guys manage clients assets:computers, routers, hosting accounts, users etc etc. Do you setup auto reminder when hosting accounts are about to expire? Do you add each items as a seperate asset?
Thank you.
August 11th, 2011, 06:39 AM
Posts: 7
We add each item as a separate asset ... we set up the asset code as CLIENT-ITEM-YR-# -- for example "TEST-PC-11-01" where the last number is sequential. For items we have PC, SVR (Server), NET (Networking items), SW (Software), WEB (Web Hosting), etc .... we put the expiration dates (for software licensing, web hosting, etc.) in the warranty expiration field and then have a report that shows us everything that is expriring.
August 11th, 2011, 04:17 PM
Posts: 43
Thank you for that, thats great. I used to create 1 asset per company and list everything under notes, which was a dumb and messy thing to do. Now I have started to create 1 asset for each item, including webhosting, domain names, Pcs, servers. And I like your way so might change few things, easier to track. Thank you.

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