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August 14th, 2011, 08:06 PM
Posts: 42
I've seen various requests and/or attempts at feature polls over the years in the forums as I've been searching around today and I thought there must be a better way. I know I've seen various voting mechanisms on other software products we use so I did a little digging and found out what they are using:


This seems like an ideal candidate to help us organize our feature requests for the CommitCRM team to work on. In it's most limited version (which is all we really need) it looks like it would even be free for CommitCRM to implement.

It basically gives each user 10 votes to assign to various feature requests. If you use up all 10 of your votes and you want to submit another request you have to make the hard decisions and remove your vote from another request to add to the new request. This way we can't just throw the kitchen sink at the CommitCRM Dev team and say "If you could do all of this by 5.7 that would be wonderful - thanks!"

Once CommitCRM releases a new version with our feature requests included the votes we used to move that up the list are returned to us to vote on new requests. It just seems like a very simple, very fair, voting system to help prioritize requests. I feel like it would help us and the dev team all around.

Just my $0.02.


Before posting this I just did a quick search for UserVoice and I found that not only has it been mentioned once before but it appears an unofficial one already exists. I still wanted to post this anyway however to help *encourage* the official use of this tool, or one very similar to it :)

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