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February 6th, 2012, 10:24 AM
PC Southwest
Posts: 23

I have a contact that works for two different, unrelated businesses. Is there a way to have the same contact appear on both businesses. Presently they are a contact on one and a relation on the other. Just a bit confusing.

I get the same issue where a contact uses us for private work ( not for the account) and we have to raise them as an account and have two of the same person on the system (Outlook).

Any suggestions.
February 6th, 2012, 10:53 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
The Relations tab in Accounts can help you link between any two records and you can also specify the type of the relationship.

In order to assign Tickets to a secondary contact of an Account, assign Charges, etc. - all linked to the specific Contact you will need to manage two separate Contact records - each under each Account. This will give you the power and option to not mix data between Accounts.

In the same way if you provide services to a Contact privately, then you need to open an Account for them. You probably also invoice them, track Charges separately etc. and a separate account for their role as private customers is required.

Hope this helps.

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