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March 28th, 2012, 10:02 AM
Posts: 18
I recently purchased the Quotewerks Integration module. I am mostly happy with it but you can only push Sold To info to Quotewerks from an Opportunity. I dont always want to create an Opportunity for all of the quotes I do. There are many small quotes for things like software renewals, printers etc that I just want to quote in Quotewerks without creating an Opportunity inCommitCRM. I do still want to be able to push my account info from CommitCRM to the quote however so I dont have to manually enter it into Quotewerks. Is there a way to do this? If not can you please add that capability?
March 28th, 2012, 10:43 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thanks for asking, we will consider it. Here's what you can do that will hopefully help - create an Opportunity in RangerMSP to any Account (your business account for example) and call this RangerMSP Opportunity "Push to QuoteWerks".
Then, whenever you want to push RangerMSP data to the Bill-to/Ship-to/Sold-to fields in the QuoteWerks Quote simply link it to this "dummy" opportunity and push the data you want to the Quote in QuoteWerks.
From time to time clear all linked QW.Quotes from this "dummy" Opportunity.

You can learn all about linking RangerMSP Opportunities with QuoteWerks Quotes and Pushing data here.

I hope this helps.

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