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April 19th, 2012, 11:23 AM
Posts: 6
I like to copy and paste emails from customers into the ticket I create for the event. Currently, it doesn't not carry over any images or screenshots the customer includes. Is this something that we will have in future updates, or is there already a way to do this that I am not aware of? Thanks!
April 19th, 2012, 11:41 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
When using Email Connector module emails from customers are automatically converted into service Ticket in RangerMSP, the textual part is displayed within the Ticket Description and the original email is automatically attached (with all attachments, screenshots, etc.) and you can open it and view everything by clicking the 'Show Original' option.

If you do not use it but rather open new tickets manually and copy/paste the text from the email you can still also drag the email message from Outlook and drop it on the newly created ticket. The email message will be filed under the Docs tab of the Ticket and you will always be able to open it click, again with all attachments and photos, simply by double clicking it from the Ticket Docs tab.

Hope this helps.

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