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May 7th, 2012, 11:42 PM
Posts: 1
Hi, thanks in advance for any responses relating to this issue.

We are experiencing an isolated problem where a users CommitCRM application will not allow the user to create a "New Document". Generally they will be able to select the template to base the document on and MS Word will open and everything is ok. However we are experiencing isolated problems, usually in the afternoon, where CommitCRM will prompt the MS Word application to open but then the template will not load and MS Word will just sit on the grey screen with no documents open (application is running though). The directory selected will also open in another window. At this point, CommitCRM will make a link to the document however the icon that is usually an MS Word icon will actually be the icon that windows uses for incorrectly formatted files. The file is never created in the directory. The user will close Commit, start CommitCRM up again and do the same process and it will work the next time around without a problem. The user will then remove the incorrect entry in CommitCRM that doesn't work.

May 8th, 2012, 06:06 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi ben_robinson,

We are not familiar of this specific behavior you describe, however, it sounds like a local problem, perhaps something to do with the network connection.

You can send us your RangerMSP log files directly (use the Help > Technical Support menu) and we will be happy to go over the logs and see if we find any clues or errors there.


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