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July 6th, 2017, 06:42 PM
Posts: 22
We are wanting to utilise Quotes in CommitCRM - up to this point we have using another software for the quote/order process. We really need an extra field on the quote lines that can be left off the document sent to the customer. This would allow us to add extra "internal use only" information regarding the supplier, the supplier stock code etc. We currently do this - we have two forms 1) for the customer 2) for our internal use that we print off from the same form. The internal use form goes to our purchasing dept who use this to raise the P/O with the supplier. It allows us to have a good workflow across the different roles. Does anyone currently know of a way of doing this in CommitCRM and if not, what are the chances of having a field added?
(I know there are 3 custom fields in the Quote properties tab, but we need one for each line).
July 7th, 2017, 06:04 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for asking. As you mentioned customer fields for Quotes exist at the Quote level but not at the individual quote line level, we will take a note of your feedback. Thanks for asking.

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