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August 9th, 2018, 08:14 AM
Posts: 217
Hi Commit

Two different employees are are looking at same ticket on different computers.

User 1, drags a document to the ticket (which automatically creates a history line)
User 1, creates some charges for the ticket
User 1, creates an appointment for the ticket
User 1, creates some to-dos for the ticket too.

User 1 tells users 2 by voice that he has updated the ticket.

How am User 2 supposed to get all these informations? He is already in the ticket.
I cant find a refresh ticket button, or refresh all.
So User 2 has press refresh alot of times on different tabs (the document tab, the charges tab, the appontment tab and the to-do tab and the history tab)

Commit, can you suggest something better ?
August 9th, 2018, 11:35 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Thank you for posting. The Refresh button is indeed the way. To save clicks you can even move up/down the ticket list, while in seeing the entire ticket details, to have everything refreshed at once.

Hope this helps!
August 10th, 2018, 03:26 AM
Posts: 217
Very often the users searches for a specific ticket. In that case they cant move up/down in the ticket list, because there is only one ticket shown.

Or they double-click a ticket to see it in "full screen", either in that situation they can move up/down so they are left for clicking refresh 5 times + changing tabs. Total 10 mouse clicks.

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