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December 8th, 2008, 05:22 PM
Posts: 242
Hi guys,

I use the CommitCRM to Outlook sync and it works great. However, when it is on autosync, it pops up a window every sync asking if i want to do it now. Then no matter what you click it takes you to the CommitCRM client. this is extremely annoying when you are working in other applications.

Why is there a popup at all? I had to go and enable auto-sync so why is it bothering me asking if i want to do it every 30 mins? If i didn't want to do it i'd turn off autosync.

Can we either have this window removed, or an option in the Sync config menu to do it silently? I've turned ofrf the entire auto-sync its so annoying.

December 9th, 2008, 07:49 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Hi nathan

Thank you for your question.

The RangerMSP-Outlook auto-sync option pops-up a question in order to make sure it is okay with you to perform the sync at this time. This is to avoid situations where you are in the middle of updating something in Outlook or RangerMSP, and you do not wish to perform the sync right now. Once the sync is being performed, the focus moves momentarily to the application, and you can minimize it and go on working on your own stuff.

Please note that if you do not confirm the pop-up window within several seconds, the auto-sync will launch and sync your data automatically (in other words, you can ignore this message and the sync will occur in any case).

I understand that this can become annoying when you are working on something which is unrelated to the sync. We will look into that. Thanks.

In case you are using Exchange server to host your Outlook data, unlike a local .pst file, you may consider running the application on a separate computer (maybe your server), and login again with your user. In this separate PC you can turn on the auto-sync and it will take affect for this session only, so it will not interfere with your work on your other PC. This may be a reasonable solution.

I hope this helps.

December 9th, 2008, 08:45 AM
Posts: 478
Unfortunately running it on another computer like a server will only allow you to autosync with the logged in user. This would be a good option if you could make it autosync the other users data as well. I don't like how this has to be done manually.
December 9th, 2008, 09:34 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
I Agree. This is the downside of my suggestion.
In any case, we may enable an option to suppress this behavior on demand, though in many times it is very useful, especially, when working on something else within RangerMSP...

December 9th, 2008, 12:30 PM
Posts: 16
I am amazed at how quickly CommitCRM synchs with Outlook. The popup has not bothered me.
December 9th, 2008, 06:42 PM
Posts: 242
Surely a simple tick box in settings to enable or disable the popup would keep everyone happy?
December 10th, 2008, 06:50 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Yes, probably the solution would be something like that. Anyway, we will look into this. Thanks.

December 10th, 2008, 10:38 AM
Posts: 478
Please be sure to add the ability to run auto sync for other users data just like we do for our own. There is no reason we should have to do it manually when there is an automatic way already in place.

Then we could just leave one copy running on the server and everyone would get updated. Would also solve the nag issue some have.
December 12th, 2008, 01:34 PM
Posts: 942
This pop up and the fact the the auto sync "turns off" each time CommitCRM is shut down is very unhandy. The auto sync is nice, but it needs to be streamlined a bit!
December 15th, 2008, 08:21 PM
Posts: 82
I second that - I'm tired of having to reset it everytime I openCommitCRM.
December 18th, 2008, 02:46 AM
Posts: 5
I have to agree - it is annoying having to reset the Outlook synch option every day. It would appear that every other option has a permanent setting. And it isn't just a simple click, being buried three menus deep.
I don't find the pop up too annoying - there is the option to cancel if you are doing something else.

Support Team Update!!

The auto-sync has been enhanced with the following features:
1. It is possible to save the auto-sync settings between sessions.
2.In case a user is working with another application at the time the auto-sync is activated, this will no longer display a message window letting the user know the sync is in action. The user can go on working on any other application, without any disturbance while the auto-sync is in progress and data will be synchronized between RangerMSP and OutlookŪ behind the scenes.

See more details in Outlook Auto Sync.

Support Team.

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