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February 3rd, 2009, 08:53 AM
Product User
Posts: 123
We would like to store each of our clients’ servers as a separate Asset.

On the Asset Notes field we list server details such as “DAT72” tape drive.

Is there a way to search all Assets to find servers that have a code like “DAT72” in the Asset Notes field?

* We received this message directly and published it here for the benefit of our community users.
February 3rd, 2009, 08:54 AM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Yes, you can search for assets to find servers that contains the specific text in the Notes field. This can be done by using a filter in the assets window:

1. Click the filter check box and then the filter button
2. In the Field Name select the Notes field
3. In the term put "Includes…"
4. In the text put DAT72
5. This will filter the list according to this criteria. You can also save the filter so you will be able to easily use it next time you wish to search for these servers.
February 3rd, 2009, 09:33 AM
Posts: 478
Can you make the default filter condition "includes" instead of "equals"? Seems like 95% of the time we search in this way. Just a thought.

February 3rd, 2009, 12:03 PM
Support Team
Posts: 7,528
Good point! Allowing to define the default value for this according to your own needs sounds like a good idea, since it's hard to tell which of these options is more common (the "includes" option is quite permissive as technically it uses a wild card search, and I'm not sure setting it as the default would fit everyone's needs). I will pass it on for further consideration.

Thanks for your feedback.


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